This page last changed on: 20-Dec-2001
These delusions obscure our true nature, but through spiritual practice they can be transformed into the wisdom of these five respective Buddhas.
White | Vairocana | The delusion of ignorance becomes the wisdom of reality. |
Yellow | Ratnasambhava | The delusion of pride becomes the wisdom of sameness. |
Red | Amitabha | The delusion of attachment becomes the wisdom of discernment. |
Green | Amoghasiddhi | The delusion of jealousy becomes the wisdom of accomplishment. |
Blue | Akshobhya | The delusion of anger becomes the mirror like wisdom. |
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Before a monk is permitted to work on constructing a mandala he must
undergo a long period of technical artistic training and memorization, learning how to draw all the various symbols and
studying related philosophical concepts. At the Namgyal monastery (the personal monastery of the Dalai lama), for example, this period
is three years.
In the early stages of painting, the monks sit on the outer part of the unpainted mandala base, always facing the center. For larger sized Mandalas, when the mandala is about halfway completed, the monks then stand on the floor, bending forward to apply the colors.
Traditionally, the mandala is divided into four quadrants and one monk is assigned to each. At the point where the monks stand to apply the colors, an assistant joins each of the four. Working co-operatively, the assistants help by filling in areas of color while the primary four monks outline the other details.
The monks memorize each detail of the mandala as part of their monastery's training program. It is important to note that the mandala is explicitly based on the Scriptural texts. At the end of each work session, the monks dedicate any artistic or spiritual merit accumulated from this activity to the benefit of others. This practice prevails in the execution of all ritual arts.
There is good reason for the extreme degree of care and attention that the monks put into their work: they are actually imparting the Buddha's teachings. Since the mandala contains instructions by the Buddha for attaining enlightenment, the purity of their motivation and the perfection of their work allows viewers the maximum benefit.
A peaceful deity symbolizes its own particular existential and spiritual approach. For example, the image of Boddhisattva Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion as the central focus of the spiritual experience; that of Manjushri takes wisdom as the central focus; and that of Vajrapani emphasizes the need for courage and strength in the quest for sacred knowledge.
Illustration :
Wrathful deities suggest the mighty struggle involved in overcoming
one's alienation. They embody all the inner afflictions which darken our thoughts, our words, and our deeds and which prohibit attainment
of the Buddhist goal of full enlightenment. Traditionally, wrathful deities are understood to be aspects of benevolent principles,
fearful only to those who perceive them as alien forces. When recognized as aspects of one's self and tamed by spiritual practice,
they assume a purely benevolent guise.
Illustration :
Sexual imagery suggests the integrative process which lies at the heart of the mandala. Male and female elements are nothing but symbols of the countless pairs of opposites (e.g. love and hate; good and evil etc.) which one experiences in mundane existence. The initiate seeks to curtail his or her alienation, by accepting and enjoying all things as a seamless, interconnected field of experience. Sexual imagery can also be understood as a metaphor for enlightenment, with its qualities of satisfaction, bliss, unity and completion.
Illustration :
If form is crucial to the mandala, so too is color. The quadrants of the mandala-palace are typically divided into isosceles triangles of color, including four of the following five: white, yellow, red, green and dark blue. Each of these colors is associated with one of the five transcendental Buddhas, further associated with the five delusions of human nature. These delusions obscure our true nature, but through spiritual practice they can be transformed into the wisdom of these five respective Buddhas.
White - Vairocana: The delusion of ignorance becomes the wisdom of reality.
Yellow - Ratnasambhava: The delusion of pride becomes the wisdom of sameness.
Red - Amitabha: The delusion of attachment becomes the wisdom of discernment.
Green - Amoghasiddhi: The delusion of jealousy becomes the wisdom of accomplishment.
Blue - Akshobhya: The delusion of anger becomes the mirror like wisdom.
In addition to decorating and sanctifying temples and homes, in
Tibetan life the mandala is traditionally offered to one's lama or guru when a request has been made for teachings or an initiation -
where the entire offering of the universe (represented by the mandala) symbolizes the most appropriate payment for the preciousness
of the teachings. Once in a desolate Indian landscape the Mahasiddha Tilopa requested a mandala offering from his disciple Naropa, and
there being no readily available materials with which to construct a mandala, Naropa urinated on the sand and formed an offering of a wet-sand
mandala. On another occasion Naropa used his blood, head, and limbs to create a mandala offering for his guru, who was delighted
with these spontaneous offerings.
The visualization and concretization of the mandala concept is one of
the most significant contributions of Buddhism to religious psychology. Mandalas are seen as sacred places which, by their very
presence in the world, remind a viewer of the immanence of sanctity in the universe and its potential in himself. In the context of the
Buddhist path the purpose of a mandala is to put an end to human
suffering, to attain enlightenment and to attain a correct view of Reality. It is a means to discover divinity by the realization that
it resides within one's own self.
Colours |
Question: A crafts person wished to use the HUM syllable in a craft piece, and for a good example thereof.
What are the proper colours for the five elements of it? I believe the place where I once saw these described was at the back
of Lama Govinda's Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism. As I recall, the bindu at the top was blue, the crescent yellow, the elements below that
white, red and green, but I'm not sure about the order.
Answer (by Christa): Within seconds I received a message to turn to pages 334-340 in 'Tibetan Yoga & Secret Doctrines' edited
by W.Y. Evans-Wentz, a book my Teacher (Rama) emphasized a great deal.
Since i'm gonna type all sorts of excerpts now (given the excuse to do so), you'll need to scroll down for the short answer. :)
The colors of the Long Hum mantra correspond to the Five Dhyani Buddhas which correspond to the Five Wisdoms.
"As in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, to which serious readers should refer for further explication, the Essential, or Foundation, Wisdom is the
All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharma-Dhatu ('Seed, or Potentiality, of Truth'), or the Wisdom born of the Dharma-Kaya ('Divine Body of Truth'), in
its aspect as the All-Pervading Voidness. The Dharma-Dhatu is symbolized by the Aggregate of Matter, whence spring all physical forms, animate and
inanimate, visible and invisible. The Dharma-Dhatu, being the Thatness constituting the Dharma-Kaya, is personified by the Chief of the Dhyani
Buddhas, Vairchana.
In this context, the Aggregate of Matter may be looked upon as being Nature,
or the Sandsara, characterized by interminable change, or transitoriness, wherein, as a result of karmic actions, man is enslaved by the incessant
round of birth and death. When, in virtue of Right Knowledge, the fruit of yoga, man breaks his bondage to the Sangsara, there shines forth in his
inner consciousness the symbolic blue divine radiance of the Dharma-Dhatu Wisdom. Then, having conquered life itself, the yogin rejoices in utter
Freedom, for his is nevermore to return to the Kingdom of Ignorance and Illusion save as a Bodhisattva, vowed to selflessness, to guide those who
still dwell in the Darkness of the Cave to the Light of Day.
The Mirror-like Wisdom, personified by the Dhyani Buddha Akshobhya, of whom the Dhyani Buddha Vajra-Sattva is the Sambhoga-Kaya reflex, confers the siddhi (or yogic power) of seeing clairvoyantly the innate reality reflected, as in a mirror, in all phenomenal or apparent things, organic and inorganic. As with a telescope or microscope men of science study the Universe externally in its unreality, so with the yogic insight conferred by the Mirror-like Wisdom the master of this yoga studies the Universe internally in its True State. Through having realized the Wisdom of Equality, personified by the Dhyani Buddha Ratna-Sambhava, the yogin sees all things with divine impartiality, invirtue of the yoga of equal-mindedness. The Discriminating Wisdom, personified by the Dhyani Buddha Amitabha, confers the yogic power of knowing each thing by itself and, also, all things as the One. The fifth, the All-Perfecting Wisdom, personified by the Dhyani Buddha Amogha-Siddhi, confers power of perseverance, essential to success in all yogas, and infallible judgement with consequent unerring action.
Whereas the Dharma-Dhatu Wisdom, following The Tibetan Book of the Dead, is
symbolized by, or illusorily manifests itself as, the Aggregate of Matter, as Nature, producing all physical forms, the Mirror-like Wiscom is
symbolized by the Element Water, whence originates the life-stream, represented by the sap in trees and plants and the blood in man and animals.
The Wisdom of Equality, in like manner, manifests itself through the Element Earth, and thus produces the chief solid constituents of man's body and of
organic and inorganic forms. The Discriminating Wisdom, by manifesting itself through the Element Fire, produces the vital heat of embodied human
and lower animal beings; and the All-Performing Wisdom, using as its vehicle
of manifestation the Element Air, is the source of the breath of life.
The Element Ether is not included in this category, for it symbolizes the
sum-total of all the Wisdoms, namely, the Supramundane Wisdom, which is purely
Nirvanic, beyond the range of the mundane consciousness. Only a Fully Enlightened Buddha can comprehend it. Esoterically, the Element Ether is
personified by the Dhyani Buddha Vajrasattva, and related, in a comparative way, with the Mirror-like Wisdom. Vajra-Sattva, in this esoteric relation,
is synonymous with Samanta-Bhadra, the Adi (i.e. Primordial) Buddha, personification of the Unborn, Unshaped, Unmodified Dharma-Kaya, or Nirvana.
Samanta-Bhadra, in turn, is frequently personified in Vairochana, the Chief of the Five Dhyani
Again, as in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, with each of the Five Wisdoms there is related an obscuring passion, corresponding to the Five Poisons of our text, and a sangsaric aggregate and world, and also a mystic color, as follows:
With the Dharma-Dhatu Wisdom, Stupidity (or Sloth, or Delusion), the Aggregate of Matter, the deva world (or worlds), and the colour blue; with the Mirror-like Wisdom, Anger, the Aggregate of Consciousness, the hell world (or worlds), and the colour white; with the Wisdom of Equality, Egotism (or Pride, or, as in the quaotation on the page facing the Preface herein, Selfishness,) the Aggregate of Touch, the human world, and the colour yellow; with the Discriminating Wisdom, Lust (or Greed), the Aggregate of Feelings (or Attachment), the ghost world, and the colour red; and with the All-Perfecting (or All-Performing) Wisdom, Jealousy, the Aggregate of Volition, the titan world, and the colour green.
The Symbolic Significance of the Long Hum:
1) The Acuminated Circle [tapering in flame into Space, symbolizeth] Vairochana, [as personifying] the Dharma-Dhatu Wisdom.
2) The Crescent [symbolizeth] Akshobhya, [as personifying] the Mirror-like Wisdom.
3)The Top-Portion (the single horizontal stroke the crescent rests upon) [symbolizeth] Ratna-Sambhava, [as personifying] the Wisdom of Equality.
4)The [Aspirated] HA (part resembling a letter 5, between the Top-Portion
immediately below the crescent) and the Silent HA which looks like stick-drawing of a bird tilted sideways) [symbolizeth] Amithaba, [as
personifying] the Discriminating Wisdom.
5) The [Silent] HA together with the Vowel-Sign are Amogha-Siddhi, [as personifying] the All-Perfecting Wisdom.
6) The HUM [thus] compriseth [in its symbolism] the Nature [or Essence] of the Five Orders [of the Buddhas of Meditation].
footnote: In the Shri-Chakra-Sambhara Tantra (cf. Arthur Avalon, Tantrik
Texts, vol. vii, pp.4-6) there is a set forth a similar analysis of the HUM as follows: 'Of this HUM, the letter U standeth for the knowledge [or
wisdom] which accomplisheth all works; the body of the letter H, for the knowledge which distinguisheth; the top of the letter H, for the equalizing
knowledge; the Crescent [Chandra, the Moon], for the mirror-like knowledge; and the Bindu [Thigle, the Acuminated Circle], above that, for the changless
knowledge. Mental concentration upon these various parts of the Mantra, symbolizing Mind, is the means whereby mind [in its unenlightened condition]
is fitted for contemplation on the Bliss of the Divine [or Supramundane] Mind.'"
[Homage to the Enlightened Ones throughout the three times & ten directions!!]
in short,
1. Bindu = blue
(Vairochana/Dharma-Dhatu Wisdom: Aggregate of Matter/Wisdom-Stupidity, the world of
2. Crescent = white
(Akshobhya/Mirror-like Wisdom: Aggregate of Consciousness/Wisdom-Anger, the hell worlds.)
3. horizontal stroke = yellow
(Ratna-Sambhava/Wisdom of Equality: Aggregate of Touch/Wisdom-Pride/Selfishness, the human world.)
4. part resembling the # '5' (aspirated HA) = red
(Amitabha/Discriminating Wisdom: Aggregate of Feelings (attachment)/wisom-lust/greed, the hungry
ghost world.)
5. two curves like stick-figure bird or broken #3 (silent HA) = green
(Amogha-Siddhi/All-Perfecting Wisdom: Aggregate of Volition/wisdom-jealousy, the titan world.)
Each of the Five Wisdoms/Aggregates are inherently empty, self-liberated and pure, which is why they're each identified with both a wisdom & a poison.