Agriculture - Food

Food production and long term food storage are necessary and immediate considerations to prioritize. The land we have selected is suitable for producing forage crops. With the introduction of hydroponics, together with new proprietary technology in the form of a futuristic high-tech greenhouse, (which presently is available only to our community), we will be blessed with the capability to produce cost-effectively, any form of plant or foodstuffs. With the new greenhouses we are able to duplicate virtually any growing environment producing even tropical foods cost effectively.

New food production technology and techniques are available, which will allow growing food crops of quality and quantity beyond any present industry standards. Together with new proprietary technology in food preservation, which allows for long-term storage of foodstuffs with no appreciable loss in taste, texture or bioenergetics, we will resolve most if not all concerns about food.

We will access known organic food suppliers and seed-banks specializing in "ancient strains" of pre hybridized seed stock. This will assure our future generations protection against consuming proven destructive, genetically manipulated foods.

In addition to support of agriculture, an abundant water supply from two year-round-flowing white-water, glacier-fed streams, waterfalls, and six small lakes, provides for alternatives, from energy production, to fish farming and production of other aquatic life effectively. Together with new proprietary water-enhancing technology promised to Mandala Village by the developers our long term needs will be supplied limitlessly.

Food Storage

We have a contact that has developed a remarkable long-term food storage program. It is alleged to maintain bio-energetic levels of nutrition in dehydration with no additives or loss of energetic dynamics. This remains to be proven, however with the remarkable gains in technology and understandings coming forth at this critical time in our global development, it is quite likely this technology is real.

Mothers for Natural Law provide information on GE foods, storage, shopping and consumer information.

This website offers a database of food suppliers, worldwide contacts that are available for supply and other considerations about non-GE food stocks. We shall research and create a database around this information.


With the deregulation of hemp, or at least with the issuing of licenses to produce commercial crops of hemp, we investigated the potential of developing hemp-related industries, and found it too labor and cost intensive to warrant further investigation at this time. Other factors included onerous government involvement and procedural protocols making this alternative a distant possibility.

Not to rule out this fine fabric or other related products, the option to buy finished goods from others is always open.

We propose to develop a facility for the creative design and manufacturing of clothing for those gifted persons who wish to offer their talents as part of their contribution to the community. An example of such products can be seen at Hemptown.
