go to Life Enthusiast Co-op website, the source of Twilight products

Lois Lenz writes:

I have been reading the Twilight Network messages with interest and, in some cases, dismay.

Here's my two cents' worth:

First of all, we should all be more than grateful to Jim Carter and all those in Twilight who have made these miraculous products available to us. We are not rocket scientists, and the book, "Holy Water, Sacred Oil" is sufficient information for me. In fact, the technical part was over my head. The hands on results are the proof for me. "WHAT WORKS" is what is important. Must we dissect it and quibble about technology? WISDOM IS KNOWLEDGE - NOT DATA.

I am 75, and for 45 years I have been searching for the best way to support life. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that such wonders could occur! That is enough for me, and I do not need the data. I am happy to read the wonderful experiences people are having! The fact that my family (doubtful of some of my excursions into health and well being) have in a few short weeks improved in appearance (eyes deeper color, faces radiant, skin and hair improvement - the sheen is really wonderful) is joyful to observe! Physically, emotionally and spiritually, Twilight delivers!

For myself, my eyesight is sharper (used the Golden seal/Prill drops); my hearing has improved (I soak ALL OVER in my Prill bath!) - probably a huge lack of magnesium and the absorption of same). We launder with cold water, the Prill Laundry Bag and dry without the aid of Bounce. The clothes are clean, non-static, and lovely!

Most astounding to me is this:

I have tried to live without toxins and with proper nourishment and the best vitamins and herbs I could find. Still I have been appalled over the past few years to find that dark moles enlarged and developed a crusty appearance over my body. Oh, yes, if moles change go to the doctor immediately? No. I KNEW that something would happen to reverse this. My son asked, "Should you see about this?" I told him no - that I would handle it.

Well, "I" didn't, but the Twilight products did! While soaking in my Prill baths, some little particles would loosen up and when I examined them under a microscope they appeared to be wart-like, and what I seem to recall reading about, as thermablast cells. Perhaps that is not the technical name, but the picture of cancer cells is implied. If I'm wrong, don't bother to correct me!

I am joyful to be able to say that my skin and said moles are beginning in less than one month to rapidly normalize, lighten and decrease. I do not need reference material or research to know that a miracle for me has occurred, and is occurring. These products are made available to us in light and love. They are a blessing! Let us not digress into derogatory remarks. If you want just an MLM program, there are plenty out there - I know. I have tried them. I have been disappointed in promises that did not come to fruition about the products. I would assume that over the years I have spent thousands on so-so products that maybe did no harm, but in the long run did not do a lot of good. Nothing like these products have ever been on the market to my knowledge, and I have been searching for a long time!

By practicing my "Old Fashioned Remedies", which I would be happy to send you, I have helped myself and many others heal burns, bruises, vomiting and/or diarrhea, etc. By using common sense and the few products which were better than average I have reached the age of 75 with no high blood pressure, no medications or prescription drugs, no flu shots (for sure!). I go to a chiropractor 3-4 times a year. I use some herbs from the Peruvian rain forest which are excellent. When I tell someone that something works, it is because I have used it and been amazed! I am not in this for the MLM plan, or for the research and details that I don't need! I believe in these products. I do not need proof.

Let us stop accentuating the negative and go with the positive! I don't want or need a manual to duplicate! Data is dry and boring. If you want to teach others, inform them and let them experience the benefits for themselves! One of the delights of this company is the lack of red tape and the loving atmosphere.

I note that Russ Michaels (A...of ABC's) TWILIGHT #9 Home Based Twilight Business was comprehensive enough for me and almost anyone else! I am eternally grateful to Jim Carter, to David Dartez and Russ Michael for their assistance and support. I thank Anni Hollingsworth for introducing me to these beautiful products. And I wish you well!


Lois Lenz