go to Life Enthusiast Co-op website, the source of Twilight products

Teleconference with Jim Carter

San Francisco, February 5, 2002

Caller: One of my clients complained after using the Dollop of Love that her skin was dry, and she had to smear a bunch of lotion all over her. Is it drying?

Jim: She may not know the difference between dryness and tightness. As we age, we grow accustomed to having our skin sag more rather than tighten, so it may be registering in her brain as dryness. No, you are actually moisturizing the skin. You don’t really even need to put creams on. What they’re usually doing is just filling in the cracks so it feels smooth, anyway.

Caller: I noticed the book says something about people with kidney problems. If I’ve had some kidney problems, should I avoid taking the products?

Jim: If you had kidney failure, you wouldn’t be talking on the phone and therefore you should not use these products. Well, actually, they worked extremely well even in people with severe kidney conditions. What happens, the kidneys will strip out the excess magnesium in the bloodstream, because too much magnesium in the blood serum will cause the heart to malfunction. So if the kidneys didn’t take care of that balancing, you could have heart problems from it. It has never happened and even with people who came in with complete renal failure - kidneys completely shut down - and have been given a bath with the bath crystals have responded to it just dynamically and very positively. I don’t think you could hurt yourself with it; it is just the most absurd condition we could come up with.

Every condition known to man except acute alcoholism seems to respond very well to magnesium supplementation on a cellular level. You really can’t supplement magnesium any other way. In other words, if you take oral supplements, they will do no good at all because your kidneys will always be removing the magnesium faster than it can get into the cellular structure.

Caller: Is it possible to split a bag of prill and make two batches of water of two quarts each, one with regular water and one with really polluted water to do an experiment? This is for a very skeptical friend of mine who doesn’t really believe it can clean very polluted water.

Jim: Of course you could do that. We have used those Prills to clean the water from nuclear power plants and the result was a reduction of stuff in the water to parts per trillion; not even parts per billion - I mean virtually nothing.

Caller: That’s nuclear residue, right?

Jim: Well, the water that’s used in nuclear power plants which is highly radioactive and full of all kinds of contaminated things. They were originally designed for that purpose - that’s what I made them for.

Caller: So if we split a bag in two would be put it in two two-quarts of water in two different containers?

Jim: Yeah, you could do that. Personally, I wouldn’t bother. It’s only been done 5,000 times. Chlorine, for instance, will sometimes come out of the water and float on top; it’s heavier than air, and sometimes people will say they taste chlorine in the water when actually what they are doing is tasting the gas that’s trying to leave the water. So my position with anyone who is extremely skeptical is let them age another ten years and then talk to them again.

Caller: I’m 74 years old and have had atrial fibrillation for about 20 years. I am using medication that is controlling that. I also just had a stroke. I don’t like having to use medication.

Jim: Sounds to me like you are having anxiety attacks. You may be worrying too much. Try taking a bath with the bath crystals at night. Concerning the medication, the important thing is, if you are regenerating faster than you are degenerating, you’ll be able to survive the medication all right. It won’t really do a lot of harm and I wouldn’t even worry about it. I’d just go ahead and take it.

Caller: Some of the medication bothers my eyes because it creates deposits there.

Jim: Spray them with the Prill water. They just need hydrating. Most of those medications will dehydrate you, so put some prill water in a little spray bottle and spray your eyes whenever they are dry. Magic Water would work just as well. Put a drop of the Goldenseal in it and in a little while you will get to where you won’t have to do it but just occasionally or maybe not at all. Our Goldenseal extract has 14 things in it that you don’t find in any other Goldenseal extract. It is very complete. I can’t tell you what the 14 things do because I don’t know what Goldenseal does, except it prevents all manner of infections and staph and strep and stuff like that, so I would just treat the symptoms and enjoy life as much as possible - that’s what we all should be doing anyway.

When you take a trip, how to you turn regular water into Prill water?

Jim: Take a bottle of the Prill water with you and just add a little bit, like an ounce to a quart of bottled water and you should be fine. It has a lot more power in it than what we’ve told everybody to this point. Even putting 3 or 4 ounces in a bath would have a good effect on the whole bath, instantaneously. You are not turning the larger water into Prill water; you will just smooth it all out, making it good for drinking [or bathing] from a moisturization standpoint.

Caller: Natural Calm was recommended as the one supplement of powdered magnesium that you can take. I haven’t been taking it since I started these products because I didn’t want to OD on magnesium - and I’ve had trouble sleeping a couple of times and a lot of muscle aches.

Jim: You really can’t OD on it. You wouldn’t get enough magnesium into your cells by taking it orally anyway. I don’t think an oral magnesium supplement is viable at all. I think that is why we are all magnesium deficient. Magnesium in the blood serum is critical to the function of the heart. If you put too much into the digestive tract, the kidneys will simply strip it out. If they didn’t, you would have all kinds of problems. So oral supplements have just never worked. You may be just be having some discomfort in the beginning from doing the baths because your cells are coming back to life.

Caller: How do you feel about vitamin supplements?

Jim: Well, they’re like food. I enjoy eating - it sedates my appetite. But I haven’t taken an oral vitamin in two-and-a-half years. A lot of things you can assimilate through the digestive tract, magnesium is just one that you can’t get that way; silica is another essential mineral that you can’t get through the digestive system.

Caller: How do you get it?

Jim: Very soon you’ll be able to get it from Twilight.

Caller: May I ask if you are a vegetarian or a raw-fooder by any chance?

Jim: I eat to sedate my appetite. I eat whatever I want to whenever I want to. I did the vegetarian thing; I’ve done all of those things and they were just a lot of work; and I never really felt any better. I love raw carrots; soak them in your prill water and you’ll make twice as much juice out of the same amount of carrots.

Caller: I have a 5-year-old daughter. How often do you recommend giving children a bath in the products?

Jim: Every day. No problem with babies either. No problem with pregnant women. Put her in a tub with the bath crystals two or three times before she delivers and the delivery will be much easier and will restore the flexibility to all that tissue that is going to have to do some remarkable things, and she just won’t have the discomfort.

Add teaspoonful to the baby’s bath and the baby will probably sleep through the night on the first or second night and probably be just real happy from then on. Put a little of it in the bath every time you get her in there and you find that they are just so much happier.

Caller: I just started a commercial anti-depressant, and would like to try the St. Johns Drops. Would they be incompatible?

Jim: Start off with the St. Johns Drops slowly and see if they make you feel even better.

We’ve found no counter-indications to the St. Johns Drops and any medication that anybody’s been on. Your anti-depressants are going into the bloodstream, and the St. Johns Drops are going into your cellular structure; they don’t really ever come in contact with each other.

Caller: How much prill water should we give an asthmatic child?

Jim: Don’t worry about the water he’s drinking. Spray the Magic Water into his face and have him breathe it in, or the Prill water if you don’t have Magic Water. Moisturize the lungs and the asthma will go away. The problem with emphysema, asthma, those things, is just dry lungs. They get dry and the more you breathe, the drier they get. Moisten them a little bit and they will start functioning again. Spray it in his mouth and have him breathe in at the same time, or just spray it in his face while he’s breathing in.

Caller: Some people are feeling tired or achy after starting the products. Is that normal?

Jim: It ranges from peacefulness, painlessness, almost euphoria, to a real need to rest. A common denominator in every healing modality that I know of is a need for rest. "Take two of these and get a good night’s sleep." We’re all sleep-deprived. Our batteries are run down and after you get so exhausted you can’t rest.

Caller: How long does this tend to last?

Jim: It depends on how deprived and how long the sleep deprivation has been going on. In most people if they would just take a week off and sleep when they felt like they should sleep, that would probably recharge the battery up to an acceptable level.

Caller: I have a cataract surgery scheduled for the end of the month. Any advice?

Jim: A couple of drops of Goldenseal extract in about an ounce of Prill water. Spray it in your eyes as often as you can and the cataracts will melt. Cataracts are just hardening of the tissue of the lens of the eyes. Kind of like arthritis of the eyes.

Caller: I have been submerging my face in the bath crystal baths and opening my eyes to improve them. Is that okay?

Jim: Well, it’s too late if it isn’t! Yes, that sounds fine.

Caller: I have been spraying the Magic Oil on the projection of organs and internal scar tissue that I have wanted to heal. Is there an advantage to doing this right over the organs or is it just going into the skin and spreading around?

Jim: The Magic Oil is designed to be sprayed over specific areas like that. It will be absorbed by the tissue long before it gets to your digestive tract. The point is if you have a specific area of concern, put it on two or three times a day. Just keep putting it on that area—load up the tissue.

Caller: I have scar tissue from an operation that is not on top of my skin. It’s puckered.

Jim: Take the Magic Oil—like a four-ounce bottle—and put a drop of frankincense and myrrh essential oils in it and it will cause the scar tissue to reshape itself as it regenerates into nice round normal tissue again.

Caller: Can you do that with deep internal scarring like where the ovaries were from a hysterectomy?

Jim: Yes.

Caller: Do these products help in menopause?

Jim: Menopause is purely an issue of magnesium deficiency. Norman Shealy treated menopause successfully for over fifteen years before the other doctors admitted that you girls had it, and he treated it with very slow, very dilute drop of magnesium chloride intravenously twice a week. His patients didn’t have menopause within a week or two. My wife had seven years of the most remarkable menopause I think you could possibly imagine, and it just causes me to think of the difference between a wolf and a menopausal woman: You can deal with the wolf. When Dr. Shealy was out here he tried to get Becky to go back to Missouri to do the intravenous thing and she wouldn’t do it so he said to soak her feet in what is now called the bath crystals, and within a month all the symptoms were gone.

You can put a tablespoonful of the bath crystals into a pan of warm water and soak your feet if that is easier than putting them in the bathtub. I prefer the bathtub because you’re getting it through all your skin. Do it every day for a while. Seems to take about a month to get enough magnesium into the system to have the whole chain of events that occur when you get magnesium back into the system. Amino acids forming, hormones switch on, all kinds of other things, it just goes on and on. But they all line up in the right order when you’ve got enough magnesium into your system. You become very pleasant.

Caller: What about the Star Chamber? Will it be possible to ever get to go to that?

Jim: A lot of things will be possible as we go down the road. Twilight is just over 3 months old and we’ve still got a lot of details to work out. The Star Chamber is a way to change the water in the entire system in your entire body. You can change 60% of the water in your body in 20 minutes. Just like any container of water, the cleanliness of that water is extremely important. If you have too much mineralization in your heart water, you are going to have arthritis, you are going to have rheumatism, and you are going to have all kinds of symptoms from that. If you can trade soft water for that hard water—those symptoms go away. We use two or three different kinds of water in the Star Chamber, but one of them is basically Prill water. It’s just like soaking in 135 gallons of Prill Water. It would take you a day or two to manufacture that much, but you could do the same thing at home.

You can essentially make a Star Chamber in your own bath by putting in Bath Crystals, a couple of sprays of Magic Oil—the Magic Oil in this case acts catalytically and puts a new pattern into your body and starts telling the magnesium that is already in there what it should be doing instead of laying around playing rock. Snow crystals will give you a higher percentage of Prill type water in your bath than putting the Prills in the bath will. A teaspoonful will make a remarkable difference.

The Sea Snow is the white powder and the snow crystals are kind of a saffron-colored material. If you put a teaspoonful of both in your bath in a month’s time you would have accomplished something very similar to going through the Star Chamber two or three times.

Caller: What advantage is there to putting the Laundry Appliance in the tub? Would we then not have to save up Prill water to add to the bath?

Jim: The same as putting Prills in it. Just more. Just another way you can use it. If you use the Snow Crystals and the Sea Snow you will get a better effect than if you saved up all these buckets of Prill water.

Caller: My mother is 87 and has been very ill. Should I start her out on these slowly so I don’t overdose her?

Jim: You can’t overdose her. The aging process itself began because of the magnesium deficiency when you were 20-25 years old, and it has just gotten progressively worse. Put her in a bathtub if you can, with a teacup of the bath crystals in it and see what happens. It won’t hurt her, any more than if you took her to the ocean and put her in the ocean. It’s that’s safe.

Caller: We are soaking our vegetables in prill water. Do we need to change it with each new batch?

Jim: You’re better off only using it once or twice. The vegetables will soak up all the good stuff that’s in it, and they will also give up all their pesticides to the water. If you soak carrots, for instance, for 10-20 minutes in the water, you probably won’t have to put them in water again for two weeks. If you soak it in Prill water for five minutes and then put it back in the plastic bag, sometimes they will last three months.

Caller: I may have been overdoing it.

Jim: As long as you don’t get an effect you don’t like, I don’t think you can make a mistake. If you do, change!

Caller: Is there a chance of getting you to allow my family to speak to you like this?

Jim:: It’s almost impossible from the standpoint of time. There are only about a half a dozen questions, actually. Number one: You can’t make a mistake. Number two: If you use the products you will be becoming younger. Number three: I haven’t got a clue what that means in your life, except that you are going to go through your own specific reorganization program, and as long as you are becoming younger, you’ve got all the time in the world! If you’re growing old, you’d better hurry.

Caller: Does this help people get rid of their tumors?

Jim: Tumors are very difficult because they have isolated themselves from the rest of the body. They really need specific attention. That is a place where the Magic Oil and saturating a particular area a lot is a very good thing to do.

Caller: Thank you for spending your time visiting with us. I know you are looking at getting a call-in conference put together in the future.

Jim: Very soon we will have ongoing great big caves. Talking to two hundred to a thousand people at the same time on the telephone is kind of like talking to people in a cave, and believe it or not it works very well. It’s remarkable how intuitive we are under those circumstances and we don’t really butt in on each other’s time, so soon we’ll be doing that on a regular basis.

Caller: How often do we get bonus checks?

Jim: Once a month. We’re just finishing up the computer aspect of this. Hopefully it will be done by the end of this week, and after that things will be very simple. So if you haven’t gotten a check yet, be a just a bit more patient; it is on its way.

Caller: One last thing... somebody said that what we are really doing at a higher level is pulling matter that is polarized out, that it is changing matter to a non-polarized state.

Jim: Right. It is all coming back to the form it would have been in if nothing had happened during your pregnancy. You are going to experience some really remarkable things in the near future.